Short: An extreamly Large City in Imagine format Author: Amibug ( uploader: Amibug ( Type: gfx/objects Requirments: A big raw meat eating Cpu! Description: =========== This is an unfinished(mainly cos my 030 cant handle moddelling it anymore cos its got soooo big) city that i hav modelled in imagine.. Plzzzz!!.. If u like this object and render/manipulate it at all, send me the results because i still havent seen it rendered yet as my copy of imagine has some serious problem :\ I am adding more 2 this city every day so if u want an updated version email me 2 and i'll be happy 2 send one..:) I eventually would have liked 2 animate the whole thing but with an 030 it isnt exactly realistic so if any1 wants 2 help me with my City project and take up the other side of it that would be great as im only 16 and cant afford 2 buy ppc'z n stuff. Amibug..( 21/2/99